Sunday, January 21, 2007


Originally uploaded by Kodamakitty.

Just a quick post on how much I love my dog. She's the sweetest cuddle bunny (when she's not chewing on something she shouldn't or mooing because no one is paying attention to her). I really do like Bailey, but he's much more Geoffrey's dog. She's a big 'ol friendly girl and I love her to pieces. I thought I was more of a cat person until Zookie found me.

I hope everyone has a friend or pet to share unconditional love with. I am multiply blessed!


Monday, January 15, 2007

Time Capsule: Distant Sun

Ahhhh - another one of those songs that I have been known to include on every mix tape or play with the "repeat" button on: 1993's "Distant Sun" by Crowded House. I do love "Don't Dream It's Over," but for some reason, this one sticks with me more. Here's the video:

In 1993 I was a second semester freshman working in the WSU Student Council office. I found pages from a jounal I was keeping around that time and it always surprises me how much I wish I knew then what I know now and how much more of my life was ahead of me. And yet, I still wouldn't change anything. I needed to be bored, rejected, desired, sleepy, angsty, happy, whatever, in order to be who I am today. If I had known then what I know now I would have either been an arrogant wench or a blase and jaded moper. I was still getting used to who I was and relishing not being the oldest one or the smartest one or even the oddest one.

I hope that wherever you were 14 years ago (yikes) that you are just as happy, if not more so, now.


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Itsy bitsy teenie weenie...

Itsy bitsy teenie weenie...
Originally uploaded by Kodamakitty.

Happy New Year, one and all!

Christmas was a low-key but fairly decent affair. I can't remember the last time the holidays spanned a Monday to Monday, but it just doesn't feel like we get as many days off. I know, I know, many people have to work the week between Christmas and New Year, so I can quit my whining, but beyond the work hours, the holidays just seemed to sneak up out of the blue. More so than usual.

At any rate, the big surprise of the holiday was a beauteous second generation iPod shuffle from Geoffrey (you may remember over the summer when I said I wanted one, apparently he did too!). I was looking for accessories for this and couldn't really find a good case. The iPod has the clip for your jacket or belt, but that doesn't mean I always want to carry it around that way. I am surprised that someone hasn't come out with a keychain or carabiner type holder.

But thanks to this nifty little change purse (thank goodness for a mom who sells Avon/Mark), I have a home for my new toy.

I hope you had an enjoyable holiday, whoever and wherever you are.


PS - This is my 69th post - yeah, baby!