Sunday, December 18, 2005

Holiday Blogthing

Ack - Christmas is only a week away. I can't even end that with an exclamation point because it's so odd and bewildering to me. Most of my shopping is done, so that's not it, and the kiddies at work have been mostly quiet, so that's not it - hunh. Maybe I'm actually mostly prepared for this Christmas and thus my lack of overexcited panic. I have a tendency to try to do too much the night before and it's really starting to be a drag, so for Christmas this year I started around Thanksgiving to pack up the gifts I buy all year round. It pleases me to no end to find the perfect gift for someone and find a way to pack it up for maximum "ooohs" and "ahhhs."

The only gifts I don't have, and am not even sure I will have, are for my myriad of cousins. My mom is one of nine siblings and each of them has at least one child, if not four. I am one of 22 first cousins, and we have started to reproduce, so I have second cousins as well (is that right - they're my second cousins? I never quite understood how that worked). Needless to say, getting more than just a trinket or candy for all of my cousins has been a pain in the rear. Not because they expect anything, but because I don't want to leave anyone out. I suspect that next year we older, professionally employed cousins will have to be part of the name draw for a gift exchange.

Anyway, here's a bit of fun, in the form of my Elf Name:
Your Elf Name Is...

Ditzy Sticky Fingers


Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Blue Man Group in London!

Ah, this would be veddy veddy cool, indeed:

Blue Man Group opened at the New London Theatre in London on November 10. To celebrate, we’re giving away a trip to the United Kingdom for one lucky winner and their guest.

The prize package includes hotel accommodations at the Jurys Great Russell Street Hotel, as well as airline tickets and ground transportation for the grand prize winner and one (1) lucky guest of his/her choice.

Prize Package Details:

Round trip airfare for two (2) from one domestic U.S., Canadian, or European location to London, United Kingdom
Three (3) nights stay at the Jurys Great Russell Street Hotel
One (1) breakfast for (2) at the Jurys Great Russell Street Hotel
One (1) dinner for two (2) at Origin Bar and Dining Room
Two (2) tickets to Blue Man Group at the New London Theatre in Covent Garden, London.

To enter the contest (there's also one for the new show at the Venetian in Las Vegas) click here.

Here's crossing my fingers that I or Geoff are randomly chosen! ^_^

We hold these truths to be self-evident....

*chuckle* It would be interesting to see what happens when e-mail forwards are dissected as folklore and common wisdom. In the meantime, here's a thought-provoking one forwarded to me by my good friend Ann:

Ten Thoughts to Ponder

Number 10 - Life is sexually transmitted.

Number 9 - Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

Number 8 - Men have two emotions: Hungry and Horny. If you see him without an erection, make him a sandwich.
(Hey! Who's going to make me a sandwich? How's my hubby supposed to know which of the two I am?)

Number 7 - Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach a person to use the Internet and they won't bother you for weeks.

Number 6 - Some people are like a Slinky.....not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.

Number 5 - Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.

Number 4 - All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

Number 3 - Why does a slight tax increase cost you two hundred dollars and a substantial tax cut saves you thirty cents?

Number 2 - In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.

AND THE NUMBER 1 THOUGHT FOR 2005: We know exactly where one cow with mad-cow-disease is located among the millions and millions of cows in America but we haven't got a clue as to where thousands of illegal immigrants and terrorists are located. Maybe we should put the Department of Agriculture in charge of immigration.


Sunday, November 06, 2005

Just wanted to share the silliness....

A long lost idol of mine sent me an e-mail with this link and I just have to share:
The Llama Song
As the composer puts it, "Not suitable for people who dislike Llamas."

In other news, there really hasn't been any other news. I sing in the Detroit Archdiocesan Chorus (an Archdiocese is an entity that encompasses a number of local Catholic Parishes). The Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, where we perform for various masses and ceremonies, is governed by Cardinal Adam Maida. I generally don't think too hard about the politics of the Roman Catholic Church, which I know is not a good thing, necessarily. The truth of the matter is, I started in this Choir when I was 15 and have been a member off an on now for more years than not. I love my choir director and I love the music we perform. This time, our next concert is Dave Brubeck's "To Hope!" which is a jazz-infused mass. I don't think the choir parts are as challenging as the score, which is good, and it means that the jazzier stuff will happen with the instrumentalists.

This weekend passed way too quickly. We stopped by Alex's house to wish his girlfriend Kara a happy birthday. Seeing my brother with his friends and living on his own (with a roommate, but still...) was a little odd, like watching episodes of the Rugrats All Growed Up. I am very proud of my little brother. He really seems to have found his footing with Nursing. Saturday was spent lazing around in pjs and working on clearing the huge amounts of paper I have covering the dining room table. So many plans - so little time. Today sped by too - Geoff spent time with his grandfather and I worked on our household budget before going out and buying groceries. We've been eating out way too much lately.

Oh - and I got my digicam back. I had accidentally injured it and the Geek Squad at Best Buy clucked their collective tongues and promised not to promise anything (it's very difficult to think of them as single units - they're really Borg/Agent like in their demeanor - do they train that into you, or are you hired based on your ability to speak in clipped monotones while smiling mirthlessly?) Apparently, the warranty I had purchased was merely an extension of the manufacturer's warranty and really, at the end of the day, didn't do squat for me. You know, if I can mangage not to break something within the time frame of the manufacturer's warranty, then dollar per day I've probably broken even.

Ah well, I need to head off to bed. I have some pre-work work that should have been done during the time I spent not working on stuff Saturday.


Friday, October 28, 2005

Big giant bags of candy

I really like giving gifts.

That's probably the understatement of the year, if you ask anyone who knows how much I love shopping for people, figuring out the proper presentation and then watching them "ooooh" and "ahhhhh." So, it makes sense that I really do like giving out candy on Halloween. This year, I bought five ginormous (giant + enormous = ginormous) bags of candy. I can't remember which one of us decided this last year, but in the Lagman-Sperl household you get both chocolate and non-chocolate candy. Oh, and if you're older than say, twelve, you have to explain what the heck you are. Be creative! I'd give up candy for someone saying they're a cog in the corporate machine or soul-less cube farm lackey.

Choir rehearsal has been moved to Sunday night, probably to allow those of us with candy dispensing tendencies can go home and spread sugar induced joy throughout the land.

The other upside of Halloween? Those giant bags will be on discount the very next day and it will keep my office candy dish supplied. I'll be able to pimp that stuff out for weeks!


Sunday, October 23, 2005

I am truly blessed!

Today is my birthday, but we started the celebration early by having a small dinner party yesterday. Actually, if the celebration includes receiving roses from Geoff's brothers and family in the mail (always a classy way to receive flowers) and the frantic cleaning that occurs before one has people over, then the partying began Friday afternoon. Geoff and I did some errand running, including gathering enough stuff for a triple batch of his mom's chili recipe. Being OCD about having people over, I shooed Geoff to bed and continued cleaning for the rest of the night and grabbed a short nap on the couch while waiting for the giant monster batch of chili to cool down enough to be put in the refrigerator.

We started Saturday's festivities with a trip to the Westview Apple Orchard out in Romeo. It's more geared towards kids, but it was kinda fun to watch kids run around and be, well, kids. The place doesn't have the whistles and bells of a mall or an arcade and it was nice to see that it didn't need it. It was a little chilly and I was dressed more for style than comfort, but it was a beautiful day and I got to nap in the car while Geoff and our friend Doug sat up front. We brought home Red Delicious apples, cider and pumpkins and donuts. Geoff doesn't like apples any other time of year and we haven't managed to get out to an orchard for a few years with crazy schedules, so it was well worth the drive and the cold to visit one.

When we got back, Sara joined us, bearing the most adorable birthday cake - it was yellow cake with white frosting and a hunormous Hello Kitty! I unfortunately bumped my brand new digital camera a little too hard at the cider mill (thank goodness for the extended warranty), so I don't have a digital image to share at the moment, but when I get the film developed, I'll have to show it off - it was absolute genius.

The full dinner party started at 6:00 with the arrival of more friends: Lori and Steve, Patti and Ann Marie, Curt and Fern and Sonia. We had a log in the fireplace and I got to pick the music (a mix of stuff on my iPod, the soundtrack to "O" from the Bellagio in Las Vegas, and the Barenaked Ladies's Stratford soundtrack to "As You Like It"). There was chili, burgers, salad, and of course, cake!

Everyone stayed for a good long visit, including a few rounds of "Dance Dance Revolution" (Geoff's present from my birthday last year). Then it was hugs all around and promises to get together soon. My brother Alex called at midnight to wish me Happy Birthday (he never fails to amaze me by remembering to do that every year) and I collapsed around 12:30 am. I got to sleep in today until 1:00 in the afternoon. Geoff's present to me this year, in addition to our buying a new camera and printer set up as a shared item (but it's mostly for me) was a great book on digital photography. It looks like it will be a great read and I can't wait to improve my skills.

My mom met us at the house and then we took off for Windsor for my Goddaughter Amara's birthday party. She is now five and was dressed up as a pirate queen (think Snow White embellised by Treasure Island). My cousins gave me a beautiful basket with a big bunch of Starbucks goodies and I had the traditional Filipino pancit (noodles are eaten for long life). Geoff and I took tomorrow off so we won't have to rush around after a busy weekend.

So I am now 31, but that doesn't bother me. Life is very good and I am grateful for everyone and everything in it.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Ok, so I'm not raising a child (the puppies are a mere preview to what will hopefully someday be more than just a nice idea) and I'm not taking night classes, but goodness - three nights of rehearsals for tomorrow's choir concert, plus talking with a dozen or so students a day makes me one pooped pooch.

But, if you are in the Detroit area and have nothing to do, here's one idea for Thursday night:

I'll be the one lip-synching stage right.


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Greetings from Vegas!

Hello and howareya from Las Vegas, aka Lost Wages, aka Sin City!

Mi madre and I are on our way to see magician Lance Burton, using comp tickets we earned by sitting through a time share spiel (more on that later). The weather is nice and not very humid. There's a strong wind that will knock you over. But, as my mom pointed out, at least the obnoxious naked lady fliers have been toned down to little provocative business cards.

More later!


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

"No really, I'm not as addicted to Blogthings as I look...

...I can stop at any time, this is my last one, I swear..."

Ok, maybe not, but this one was so funny, I thought it actually deserved it's own post:
You Are a Schoolgirl!

You're not quite as wild as a "kogyaru", but with your short plaid skirt
and silly white socks, you're still a sexual fetish object.
You can usually be seen hanging out in the girly section of the video game places,
collecting photobooth stickers of you and your friends. You may not be as innocent as you look.
Did those vending machine panties once belong to you?

We will return to regularly nonscheduled blogging after these commercial messages...


Friday, September 16, 2005

Another Blogthing and more Blogthings

Heh - I'd like to think this one is true!

You're an Expert Kisser

You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity
You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off
And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave
When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable

Your Kissing Purity Score: 40% Pure

You're not one to kiss and tell...

But word is, you kiss pretty well.

Your Seduction Style: Au Natural

You rank up there with your seduction skills, though you might not know it.
That's because you're a natural at seduction. You don't realize your power!
The root of your natural seduction power: your innocence and optimism.

You're the type of person who happily plays around and creates a unique little world.
Little do you know that your personal paradise is so appealing that it sucks people in.
You find joy in everything - so is it any surprise that people find joy in you?

You bring back the inner child in everyone you meet with your sincere and spontaneous ways.
Your childlike (but not childish) behavior also inspires others to care for you.
As a result, those who you befriend and date tend to be incredibly loyal to you.

Monday, September 12, 2005


Ok, I know that there is a very high likelihood that I am the lone reader of my blog. And I am okay with that, really I am. I am sure it is a sign of some burgeoning narcissistic disorder that I like reading about me as if I didn't write it myself.

Anyway, knowing that I am writing about me for me does not detract the joy of finding a comment about one of my posts (I am not so far gone that I will post in response to myself). But so far, 50% of the posts on my blog are from advertising! The last one was for some newfangled way to trade and barter in order to establish an "Interim Monetary System of Heaven on Earth" WTF?????

It's aggravating and certainly discouraging as a blogger, though unfortunately, I think it may be par for the course.


Sunday, September 11, 2005


I've posted a few (!) of my Blogthing results off to the right of the page. I was looking at them and realized that there really isn't anywhere for someone to tell me what results they got if they took any of the blogthings. So, if you take one and want to share your result, comment on this post! I always take these short surveys with a HUGE grain of salt (and some of them are just short of being absolutely random) but it cracks me up when they seem more dead on than not. This one kinda cracked me up:
You Are 30% Weird

Not enough to scare other people...
But sometimes you scare yourself.

Oh, and for the first time in my life, my mental age is lower than my chronological age! If you were always "four going on forty" you understand how much of a relief that is. Now, when I am 50 acting like a 20-something, then you have my permission, nay my demand, that I be slapped to reality with.....A FROZEN HERRING!!!!


Sunday, September 04, 2005

On a more serious note...

There are a good many places that need our donations. Of course, you should go with one that fits your philosophy and hopefully becomes the one place you concentrate your efforts, rather than a dollar here and a dollar there. Geoffrey and I have decided to send our donation for the Katrina disaster efforts to America's Second Harvest.

We are making a second donation to Unicef, to help with the Tsunami efforts.

The biggest challenge in response to a natural disaster like Katrina or the 2004 Tsunami is not just to respond as generously and as quickly as possible, but to also realize that these efforts are ongoing. They don't end once the donation is sent and the fickle news coverage moves on to other things (note I did not say bigger and better). Even if it means parcelling out the donation and sending only half each time - it's the constant flow of funds over time to the groups that need it that helps.

I am not saying that you should or should not make a donation, or even that you should or should not care. I'm not patting myself on the back and saying, "yay me" for making these donations because I know I could be doing even more. It's just that Geoff and I are often asked for advice and I thought this would be a good time to use that clout. Geoff actually gets all of the credit because he's the one who looked at the different organizations out there and determined that these were two that really seemed committed to getting the job done.

Be safe and be well, people.


Preparing for the start of school

Funny how I haven't taken classes in three years (geez...) and this time of year is always the start of school. I even think about going in to work as "going to school." It's probably because I work at the same University where I completed my undergrad and grad degrees. Maybe because so many other milestones happened within it's landscaped borders - I met my husband there as well as many great friends, some still with me, many dispersed to who knows where. It was a place where it didn't matter that I wasn't the skinniest, or the prettiest, or even the funniest - I could try on a whole bunch of personas and make mistakes. Oh, so many mistakes. But, then again, so many good choices too!

This was also where I got my first job with benefits and my first full-time job. Basically, I have spent all of my adult life "at school." I must say, working where one effectively grew up has an odd effect on one's perception of time. I was never good with timelines (just ask anyone who has ever waited at least 10 minutes for me to arrive anywhere), but this one really screws with my head. The campus is ever changing and new students come in year after year, but I sometimes have to do the math to realize just how far I've come. And, to be honest, I have no intention of leaving anytime soon.

And now, to share with you just how old we really are:

Most students entering college this fall were born in 1987. <--I was in the SEVENTH grade, for the love of God!

1. Andy Warhol, Liberace, Jackie Gleason, and Lee Marvin have always been dead.
2. They don't remember when "cut and paste" involved scissors.
3. Heart-lung transplants have always been possible.
4. Wayne Gretzky never played for Edmonton.
5. Boston has been working on the "The Big Dig" all their lives.
6. With little need to practice, most of them do not know how to tie a tie.
7. Pay-Per-View television has always been an option.
8. They never had the fun of being thrown into the back of a station wagon with six others.
9. Iran and Iraq have never been at war with each other.
10. They are more familiar with Greg Gumbel than with Bryant Gumbel.
11. Philip Morris has always owned Kraft Foods.
12. Al-Qaida has always existed with Osama bin Laden at its head.
13. They learned to count with Lotus 1-2-3.
14. Car stereos have always rivaled home component systems.
15. Jimmy Swaggart and Jim Bakker have never preached on television.
16. Voice mail has always been available.
17. "Whatever" is not part of a question but an expression of sullen rebuke.
18. The federal budget has always been more than a trillion dollars.
19. Condoms have always been advertised on television.
20. They may have fallen asleep playing with their Gameboys in the crib.
21. They have always had the right to burn the flag.
22. For daily caffeine emergencies, Starbucks has always been around the corner.
23. Ferdinand Marcos has never been in charge of the Philippines.
24. Money put in their savings account the year they were born earned almost 7% interest.
25. Bill Gates has always been worth at least a billion dollars.
26. Dirty dancing has always been acceptable.
27. Southern fried chicken, prepared with a blend of 11 herbs and spices, has always been available in China.
28. Michael Jackson has always been bad, and greed has always been good.
29. The Starship Enterprise has always looked dated.
30. Pixar has always existed.
31. There has never been a "fairness doctrine" at the FCC.
32. Judicial appointments routinely have been "Borked."
33. Aretha Franklin has always been in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
34. There have always been zebra mussels in the Great Lakes.
35. Police have always been able to search garbage without a search warrant.
36. It has always been possible to walk from England to mainland Europe on dry land.
37. They have grown up in a single superpower world.
38. They missed the oat bran diet craze.
39. American Motors has never existed.
40. Scientists have always been able to see supernovas.
41. Les Miserables has always been on stage.
42. Halogen lights have always been available at home, with a warning.
43. "Baby M" may be a classmate, and contracts with surrogate mothers have always been legal.
44. RU486 has always been on the market.
45. There has always been a pyramid in front of the Louvre in Paris.
46. British Airways has always been privately owned.
47. Irradiated food has always been available but controversial.
48. Snowboarding has always been a popular winter pastime.
49. Libraries have always been the best centers for computer technology and access to good software.
50. Biosphere 2 has always been trying to create a revolution in the life sciences.
51. The Hubble Telescope has always been focused on new frontiers.
52. Researchers have always been looking for stem cells.
53. They do not remember "a kinder and gentler nation."
54. They never saw the shuttle Challenger fly.
55. The TV networks have always had cable partners.
56. Airports have always had upscale shops and restaurants.
57. Black Americans have always been known as African-Americans.
58. They never saw Pat Sajak or Arsenio Hall host a late night television show.
59. Matt Groening has always had a Life in Hell.
60. Salman Rushdie has always been watching over his shoulder.
61. Digital cameras have always existed.
62. Tom Landry never coached the Cowboys.
63. Time Life and Warner Communications have always been joined.
64. CNBC has always been on the air.
65. The Field of Dreams has always been drawing people to Iowa.
66. They never saw a Howard Johnson's with 28 ice cream flavors.
67. Reindeer at Christmas have always distinguished between secular and religious decorations.
68. Entertainment Weekly has always been on the newsstand.
69. Lyme Disease has always been a ticking concern in the woods.
70. Jimmy Carter has always been an elder statesman.
71. Miss Piggy and Kermit have always dwelt in Disneyland.
72. America's Funniest Home Videos has always been on television.
73. Their nervous new parents heard C. Everett Koop proclaim nicotine as addictive as heroin.
74. Lever has always been looking for 2000 parts to clean.
75. They have always been challenged to distinguish between news and entertainment on cable TV.

For the mindset lists of previous years, go here


Monday, August 22, 2005

Brain Test results

Hmmmm - no big surprise on this one - but the test itself is very visually pretty and interesting. ALMOST worth the $4.95 to see why my answers led to my being classified as Left-Brained as opposed to Balance-Brained or Right-Brained....

Liza, you are Left-brained

Most left-brained people like you feel at ease in situations requiring verbal ability, attention to detail, and linear, analytical ability. Whether you know it or not, you are a much stronger written communicator than many, able to get your ideas across better than others.

It's also likely that you are methodical and efficient at many things that you do. You could also be good at math, particularly algebra, which is based on very strict rules that make sense to your logical mind.

The Brain Test by

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Yet another senseless quiz

This one tells me which Daily Show correspondant I am:

You're Lewis Black. You're mad as hell, and
probably going to take it some more so that you
can use it in your segment.

Which Daily Show persona are you?
brought to you by Quizilla



Friday, August 12, 2005

New use for Google

Directions: Type "(your name) is" with the quotes, into a Google search then pick out your favorite 10 responses. Copy, then repost your responses:

The fact that Liza is the victim of her mother's fashion sense, also doesn't help.
Forget foreplay, Liza is about climax.
Liza is a healthy girl, available for adoption.
Liza is a god of the Fon people of West Africa.
Liza is feeling Change is the end result of all true learning.
Understandably, Liza is confused, thrilled, scared, dazed, and excited, all at once.
Liza is a downer of industrial-strength Nyquil proportions.
While her demeanor is often child-like and naive, Liza is, after all, no dummy.
Liza is compelled to begin playing, which she does brilliantly, despite never having had any talent before.
And Liza is the Super-Bitch who is out to give them all what they have coming.

Special thanks to Janel for the bulletin on


Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Free smile!!!!

Well, it is if you have a computer and a decently quick way to see trailers online, that is.

My friend Becky gave me the heads up that the trailer for RENT was online. Now it's available in iTunes with an exclusive track from the movie soundtrack. For the official site, go to

I was a little trepidacious when I heard about plans for the movie. Ok, good, the original Roger (Adam Pascal) and Mark (Anthony Rapp) are back to reprise their roles, as are many of the other original cast members (Taye Diggs and Jessie Martin). But, having seen RENT again recently, I can't help but feel as though the stage musical is stuck in 1996, which is understandable, considering that the creator of the musical, Jonathan Larson, died shortly after the play opened, due to an aeortic aneurysm just before his 36th birthday. It can sometimes be hard to convince people to see a musical where the music is heavily influenced by the late 80's/early '90's, so perhaps the movie will provide a better visual context for more people to understand the heart and story of RENT.

But the trailer assuaged my fears. It looks as though the movie takes the story and makes it bigger, while retaining a few images of the stage and the wonderous, anarchistic setting the musical invokes. I was a little afraid that Adam and Anthony were looking a little old for their roles, but everyone looks great. The director is Chris Columbus, recently of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban fame, so he should have no problems working with such a large ensemble cast. The costumes have been updated (which they have not in the stage version, so Roger has to endure what I can only say look like Skidz-style plaid baggy pants, and Mimi is still wearing a glitter/patent leather/leopard/spandex thing that may have been lifted from an old Prince video). I am not sure I am a fan of Roger's 'do, but I can live with that (what is that called, anyway? Is it a shag cut? A blow and dry?).

But it will be a great experience, I am sure. It looks beautiful. If you get the chance, see the stage musical. Listen to the soundtrack and then start the countdown to November.


PS, for the original musical website, go to

Oogh - tired...

Geez - when did it go from May 3 to August 3? One of the major downsides of working for a university is that while people think you have the summer off, you're actually working your bum off with new student orientation. Don't get me wrong, it's a nice change of pace and when everything works, it's all good, it's just tiring. I am really only blogging because I have a spare moment and noticed that I hadn't posted anything since last week. Of course, staying up waaaay past my bedtime just to surf around on the 'net or play video games probably doesn't help much.

Not a whole lot is new in my little corner of the world. Mostly work and trying to keep up with the laundry and the dishes (oh yeah, I'm living on the wild side now!). I bought a few new plants for the front yard that desparately need to be planted so they won't completely burn to a crisp (it may be too late - yikes!). I should post a photo of the house at some point. Just promise that if you track it down and show up on the doorstep that you at least bring a dish to pass for dinner, ok?

I guess that's it for the moment. Time to go home, anyhow. Till next time!


Monday, July 25, 2005

Simply lovely

Last night Geoffrey, his sister Carey, Geoff's former co-worker Boe and I went to see "Dear Friends - the music of Final Fantasy." The performance of Nobuo Uematsu's score to the long-lived role playing game (RPG) was great. The concert purposely chooses songs that would show off an orchestra to its best advantage - sweeping strings, crisp percussion, and a very talented high school chamber choir as well as score high recognition points from the audience. The house was almost completely packed, with the exception of some high end front row seats. And clearly, this was a major coup for the DSO - in the gift shop, a young women commented that they had driven from New Jersey to attend (and this was the Sunday night performance). I hope they left Michigan with a good impression of Detroit and Michigan in general. Our DSO certainly did the music justice. Arnie Roth, the conductor who is traveling with the Dear Friends tour, looked absolutely delighted with the performances. He had the entire orchestra stand up after a couple of the songs and applauded enthusiastically when he felt they had really nailed the music.

It was really cool to see so many different age groups crossing Woodward (and 8 mile, in many ways, not just geographical) to come to Orchestra Hall. Many people were dressed to the nines, others were more casual. Young adults were bringing their parents. There's always someone lamenting the death of classical music, but maybe this is the classical music of our time. And hopefully, there's a band geek or two out there who decide to continue to play, enjoy and share their music, knowing that orchestral music can be cool and can be applauded with all the enthusiasm of a rock concert. Kudos to the DSO for bringing the concert to Detroit.

For the official Square-Enix website of Uematsu, go here.

Kelley L. Carter of the Detroit Free Press puts a bit of context on the amazing response to the tour in the July 22, 2005 Detroit Freep. Unfortunately, despite being one of only a few cities to get the tour, local post-concert write-ups are nonexistent - bah!

Friday, July 22, 2005

Gotta love those random personality tests...

How Smart Am I really?

Wow, you get this ending cause you got over half
the questions right, and I am surprised! You
might actually be smart. You might actually get
a good job. You might actually lead a good life
unless you turn out to be like the majority of
the Brainiacs out there on the streets with no
job because of their lack of motivation,
laziness, and boredom with the world because
they are too smart. Let's hope you aren't like
one of those and succeed... We shall see, shalt
we. (By the way, if you are as smart as you
seem to be, you would notice that the person
above is Albert Einstein)

The IQ Test! How smart are you really?
brought to you by Quizilla

Which Hogwarts student am I most like?

You are most like Hermione Granger, smart and
witty. You are against breaking rules but you
always let your friends talk you into breaking
rules. Not only are you good at school work but
you have lots of common sense and your very
good at solving problems

Which Hogwarts student are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla

What's my Cowboy Bebop Theme Song?

my cowboy bebop theme song is adieu

what's your cowboy bebop theme song?

Adieu Lyrics

Been a fool, been a clown, lost my way from up and down,
And I know... yes, I know...
And I see in your eyes that you really weren't surprised at me
At all... not at all...
And I know by your smile...
It's... you...

Don't care...
...for me
Don't cry, let's say goodbye.

It's time to say goodbye,
I know... that in time,
It will just fade away.
It's time... say...
...good bye.

I stand alone,
And watch you fade away
Like clouds.
High up and in the sky,
I'm strong,
And so cold,
As I stand alone.
So long,

Oh how I love you so,
Lost in those memories,
And now you've gone.
I feel a pain,
Feeling... like a fool...

My love for you
burns deep inside me
so strong...
Embers of times we had,
And now,
Here I stand,
Lost in a memory,
I see your face... and smile.

Oh how I love you so,
Lost in those memories,
And now you've gone.
I feel a pain,
Feeling... like a fool...

My love for you
burns deep inside me
so strong...
Embers of times we had,
And now,
Here I stand,
Lost in a memory,
I see your face...
...and smile.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Back from New York and Stratford

Hello all!

Geoff and I rented a car and drove out to Elizabeth, New Jersey last Sunday, then met up with my Detroit Archdiocesan Festival Chorus on Tuesday. The city tour was great, though exhausting and by no means as comprehensive as anyone would have liked (there was a very blink-and-you'll-miss it view of the Statue of Liberty through some trees as we happened to drive past). Our performance at Carnegie Hall wasn't bad, it was more enjoyable for the adrenaline rush of performing more than anything else. We did better at St. Patrick's Cathedral the next day, maybe because we were in the choir loft and no one could stare at us. Geoff and I then drove out to Syracuse, NY and then onward to Stratford.

All I can say is, I love the Barenaked Ladies. I have no doubt that much like Anderson and Ulvaeus (you may know them as the two gentlemen from ABBA) Robertson and Page could go into scoring musicals and plays if they wanted to. Steven Page wrote most of the material, but it's promoted as a BNL project. For excellent media clips, go to the Stratford website. And as much as I love the Ladies, the fellows they have performing the material do it fine justice. Check out the Lover and His Lass video - just amazing. I wonder if Wm. Shakespeare would be tickled at the idea of a group of guys dancing the hustle to his lyrics.

We drove back this morning and all was very quiet and green and beautiful. I do love flying, but a good road trip is well worth the extra time spent enclosed in a car. Well, that and a trusty iPod (or two, since we had both Geoff's and my mini). And now it is back to reality and budgeting and work starting on Wednesday (I took an extra day off which I will probably need just to get through all of my e-mail).

If you can get to Stratford before the show closes in October, do it. Get a big group of folks together and go see the show. If you can't get to the show, buy the CD or the MP3 (you can also purchase downloads of past concerts).

Later! L.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Ok, it's not really a post...

...'cause technically I am not the one really writing the bulk of this. I want to share with you some of the incredible lyrics of songs I love. And who are you? Well, I don't know, even if I am the only one to read this regularly, it will still make me smile to see them, so it's ok.

This first one is "Blue" by Yoko Kanno. I swear, if you don't know Cowboy Bebop, please please please check it out. It's brilliant, funny, full of pop culture and space noir and is one of those magical mystical convergents of music, art, story and pixie dust (courtesy of Ed!)

Never seen a bluer sky
Yeah I can feel it reaching out
And moving closer
There's something about blue
Asked myself what it's all for
You know the funny thing about it
I couldn't answer
No I couldn't answer

Things have turned a deeper shade of blue
And images that might be real
May be illusion
Keep flashing off and on
Wanna be free
Gonna be free
And move among the stars
You know they really aren't so far
Feels so free
Gotta know free
Don't wake me from the dream
It's really everything it seemed
I'm so free
No black and white in the blue

Everything is clearer now
Life is just a dream you know
That's never ending
I'm ascending

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Why lalagma?

I once made a really rash decision to think I was madly in love with someone and run off to another country to pursue it. A lot of really good things came of that, but there were darker results as well (including hurting my then boyfriend, now husband). One of the upsides was meeting my friend Christopher, unabashedly British, thoroughly charming, and I don't think he would mind my saying this - plays for the other team. When the relationship imploded (if you could really call it that), Chris and I were fast friends for life. At any rate, he once commented that he liked my then e-mail name, which was assigned by the University as a first name, first initial, as many letters of your last name as space would allow = lalagma. I am sure I still have the letter somewhere, but I imagine it went something like this:

lalagma. what a wonderful name. It sounds exotic and delicious.
Like a lalagma cocktail, or perhaps a lalagma torte.

So, while kodamakitty is my current attempt at a life outside of my public persona as staid academic advisor, lalagma is a salute to the impetuous younger me.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Goodbye, Lola

Well, this past Wednesday marked the end of an era. My maternal grandmother, known primarily to us grandkids as simply, "lola," was buried. It was a very long twelve days for me, and I wasn't nearly as close to her as some of my cousins. I don't tend to cry at funerals, don't ask me why, it probably seems fairly cold and callous for me to not be at least weepy when everyone else around me is wailing, red-nosed and sobbing. Even when my dad passed away, 14 years ago, I didn't really break down until at least two weeks later.

It's not so much that the person is gone, really. I think when I do cry, it's out of a sense of selfish loss. Funerals mark the ends of things - times, places, feelings of security/insecurity. I rarely miss the person in question. Most likely I have yet to lose someone I will truly miss in my life.

Maybe it's because I can be such a sentimental person on a day to day basis that when the time is up, whether because the person dies or because I decide to break off a relationship, I'm mostly ok. I have found lately that the only relationships I get nostalgic for are the ones where we didn't get to say goodbye, or the parting didn't have the sanity and perspective that time and distance affords.

Anyway, I did the best I could to try to help keep my family together and to contibute to Lola's funeral services. She was a beautiful person, and I regret not having talked with her more.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Happy Birthday!

hippo bird day to ewe
hippo bird day to ewe
hippo bird day
hippo bird day
hippo bird day to ewe!

Lots of love and kisses to my favorite ffxi taru ever-lovin' star wars sweetie, Galfridus!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Never read the bottom of a chicken pot pie

I mean it, folks. Just don't do it. Especially if you are waiting for said pot pie to finish baking its lovely self in the microwave, only to idly look at its packaging and realize you are about to eat a heart attack in a box. And it serves two, no less.

But did I eat it anyway? Darn tootin'

I am completely grooving on Sting's, "Whenever I say your name," from "Sacred Love." It's 5 minutes, 28 seconds of beauty and bliss. I can't even really explain it well. It just makes me happy. Not bad for a song from 2003. There are quite a few songs like that. I love them very intensely, listen to them incessently and then forget them for a long time. Yaz's "Only you" is one of those songs. I didn't even remember how much I love that song until it showed up on The Office (BBC version, thank you very much).

Well, at this point I am rambling and there is much to be done. I will most like post on to update how Ms. Kodamakitty is doing. Bye!

Friday, February 25, 2005

Sense of entitlement

You know what I hate? People who think the world owes them something just because they managed to squirm out of the birth canal and then proceeded to become potty-trained and able to feed and clothe themselves. However, included in that disdain is a strong reaction against the generalization that entitlement refers to just one age, race, color, sex, whatever classification is de rigeur. I just don't get why each generation has to think that they had it harder, or that times were simpler, or that somehow they were more innocent than the current crop of whipper-snappers nipping at their heels.

At the end of the day, there are certain stages and tasks that one must progress through in order to become an adult (Does anyone have a pretty version of this stuff? Here's a lesser ugly one, I guess: click here). Once upon a time, world wars or global conflicts would provide a sort of proving ground for our young adults and then they would come home and try to cobble some sense of normal. Believe me when I say I would rather find some other way for high school seniors and college grads to use their energies rather than going off to war. Here's one suggestion.

I don't know. Maybe it's because I work with students on a daily basis that I see how much things have not changed. Some might complain that kids nowadays are have a higher sense of self-esteem. But I am seeing an equally large number of students with a higher self-awareness. That can be a very heavy and oppressive burden. We mold these kids into images of ourselves. We ship them from this to that and expect nothing but the best. Best for whom?